Welcome to the Yu Yu Hakusho TCG Database!

Everything you need to know about the amazing Yu Yu Hakusho Trading Card Game will be here on the database.

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We are also on Facebook! Check out our newly created Group. Join in, discuss the game, and buy/sell your cards!

Collect the Yu Yu Hakusho TCG? Then you're going to love going to our sibling site! :)
The YYH TCG Forum is up and running as well. Check it out below!


Super short note as I am tired. A new promo for Universus was unveiled. It's an Alt Art for the Retro version of Rose Whip Lash. It's a prize you can receive from the Prize Wall from the Nationals event occurring in OCE, EU, and NA. Good chance it'll be annoying to get. I have the image but haven't updated the Card Image Library in a while. One day...maybe December?

Anyway, ugh...another new and very pesky promo to get...



It has been a while but I come with news!!

1) I got to meet Justin Cook this past weekend, on the 25th specifically, at ThyGeekDom Con hosted in Oaks, PA at the Greater Philedelphia Expo Center. He is one very awesome and pleasant individual!

2) We did speak about the TCG! He signed a Spirit Gun Double Score Stamped card I had and a reprint The Dark One.

3) He informed me that he does have a playset of the entire TCG, from Ghost Files all the way to Alliance. He did not mention if they were foil or not but presumably, it is foiled out.

4) Score Entertainment did indeed send him cards as gifts (the playsets). They sent them to him, presumably, after the sets release. As such, he received 6 different packages (one for each set). This means the possibility of him having the Double Rainbow Promos is significantly higher!

5) He is the reason The Dark One reprint exists! He said that he had a playset of every card except that one, so when the Blu-Ray's were being put together, he reached out to find out if a reprint could be made so he could have a playset of The Dark One. Well, it panned out and thus we have the card today all thanks to him! I am glad the card was able to reach more hands this way! The Card Information page has been updated with this information.

6) I did provide him with a link to this Database and my contact info if he wanted to reach out and show off his collection a bit to me! I am truly hooping he reaches out but I am keeping my expectations low. It would be awesome to compare collections with him. I did not mention what all my collection contains as I didn't want to talk about myself much so he truly has no idea who he was talking to :P Justin, if you read this, thank you again for being awesome and I hope to hear from you!

7) As many are likely aware, I did finally complete my playset collection! As of May 6th, 2024, I now own x4 of every 1st Edition card in every variant (non-foil, foil, alt foil variants) that we know of (except P1 Hiei Determined Warrior (DR)) and x1 of every Unlimited/Standard Edition card in every variant. This took me about 18.5 years to complete but I could not be happier. I greatly look forward to this years collection video that will go up sometime this summer. I am still tracking down some sealed product and uncut production sheets, but in terms of cards, I am done!

8) I did get to play a game of Yu Yu at ThyGeekDom Con against a player named Brandon T. That video is up on YouTube but can also be found in the Pictures/Videos section, which received quite a few updates today!

Thank you again to all those who helped me complete my collection. I could not have done it without you!

Be well!!

-inviso (The guy wearing the "Master" shirt at ThyGeekDom Con, as Justin called me!!!)


With the release of Universus' Dark Tournament set, a lot of things have been updated. Checklist page received updates to take away non-foil Botan/Byakko and added in the Top 4 Stamped Chrome Rares coming out next month. The landing page for Universus also received a bunch of updates regarding pack ratios. Sadly, Chrome Rare pack ratios will forever be unknown. It's likely closer to 1 in every 3-4 cases but I did 2-4 to be safe. Otherwise, enjoy all the ratios and how boxes/packs work with certain higher rarity cards.

I'll eventually work on the Card Text pages.

Enjoy and good luck with your pack pulls!



All card names for the base set of Dark Tournament for Universus are now revealed, including the Secret Rares! Checklist page is updated. Card Image Library is updated through to Toya (as far as the Discord has revealed). The landing page is also updated. The Retro Reprints and possibly more Alt Arts have not yet been revealed.

As per Score Entertainment TCG news, I have added some additional information regarding the Inquest Magazine Issue (Banished) and Shonen Jump Magazine Issue (Mukuro's Spirit of Words). Cover 1 of 2 for Inquest has 2 variations to it, an in-store version with some info on the plastic itself at the top and a mail-order version which is just clean plastic. Cover 2 of 2 only seems to have an in-store version. Shonen Jump is also done similarly. The plastic on the mail-order version is clean while the in-store version has a black strip on the top with some text in it. The Card Inventory document now reflects these changes. I also did some cleaning up in the Inventory document itself to create less accidental long scrolling.

That's all this time. See you soon.


PS: Did you spot the set up in Universus Dark Tournament Card Text page? I added a preview there of how it'll look but the process will be very long...

PPS: I also went through the Archives page and did some updating in there for misinformation (things that were, for example, proven incorrect later now have a note stating the result).

Missing/Unknown Information:

If there are any errors anywhere on the site, or you have information on any of the above, please let me know! This is especially true for the Yu Yu Hakusho Card Text section, which may contain some mistakes as it was a lot of information to sort through.

You can contact me at inviso87@hotmail.com or on the Forum or Instagram!