Yu Yu Hakusho Sets

The subpages will have each card and its information listed in it.

In addition, card text appearing in PURPLE means the card was errata'd to that text. Pictures will show the original card for reference.

The format will be as follows:


Card Name

Card Number

Hero/Villain/Team Leader

Team Name (Ronin if no Team Symbol)


ATK ((#) stands for Card Discard Cost Attacks whereas [#] stands for Spirit Energy Cost Attacks)

Effects/Sideline Effects


Card Name

Card Number


Spirit Energy (SE):



Card Name

Card Number


Spirit Energy (SE):

ATK ((#) stands for Card Discard Cost Attacks whereas [#] stands for Spirit Energy Cost Attacks)


For King Cards, the Defense will only be written for the Upper Left pieces.

If you struggle to get the pages to load, you can download them below instead!

Ghost Files Card Text:

Ghost Files Card Text

Dark Tournament Card Text:

Dark Tournament Card Text

Gateway Card Text:

Gateway Card Text

Exile Card Text:

Exile Card Text

Betrayal Card Text:

Betrayal Card Text

Alliance Card Set:

Alliance Card Set