Yu Yu Hakusho - Universal Fighting System/Universus

Welcome all! This page will serve as the hub for the Yu Yu Hakusho TCG, which is Set 33 for the Premier set, and Set 49 for Dark Tournament, as part of the Universal Fighting System, later dubbed Universus, developed by Jasco Games! I have no real idea how to play or anything, and don't intend to go too deep into the game. I do, however, plan to collect the cards. The subpages will contain everything you need for this game. Here is some information, though:

Premier Set Release Date: September 6, 2019

80 Card Set + 1 Box Topper + 8 Alt Arts + 8 Full Arts + Full Art Insert Card + 9 Special Foil Alt Arts + 5 Promos = 112 cards

Boxes - 24 packs each

Packs - 10 cards per pack

Cases - Version A: 6 booster boxes + 1 copy of every Ultra Rare from the set.
Version B: 8 booster boxes + sealed Full Arts set + sealed Alt Art Foils set.

There was also a playmat that was given out to winner's of the season when set 1 was released.

Dark Tournament Release Date: February 23, 2024 (only at LGS's)

160 Base Card Set + 40 Time Shifted Reprints + 6 Alt Arts + 16 XR's + 6 XSR + 4 Chrome Rares + 4 Promos + 4 Chrome Rare (Top 4 Stamped) = 240 cards

Cases - 6 booster boxes each

Boxes - 24 packs each

Packs - 12 cards per pack

Notes: If you purchase a case, you should get 8 Extra Rares, all 6 Secret Rares, all 5 Retro Time Shifted Reprints (and 1 extra of 1 of them), 2 Ultra Rare Alt Arts, and 2 Extra Secret Rares.

Interestingly enough, I've seen both Byakko and Botan pulled but where Botan replaces the Character in the pack, Byakko replaces the Time Shifted Reprint in the pack. Perhaps one of them was an error? The Byakko was pulled from a release kit pack so maybe that's where the difference is coming from?

A Dark Tournament Playmat was also given to the Winner of a Release event for Dark Tournament on 2/23/24.

Information regarding collation of Dark Tournament packs can also be found here on the Universus site.

On July 24th, 2023, Universus once again rebranded itself. It will still be called Universus, but the card backs have been altered. Additionally, they plan to start to work on released new non-My Hero Academia card sets. As of right now, only Cowboy Bebop and Trigun Stampede have been announced but a Yu Yu Hakusho set may be in the works. Keep an eye for more information on their official page found here:

Universus Home Page

You can read all about the changes here.

For Images of the Set 1 cards from Jasco Games themselves, please visit:

Jasco Games Official YYH UFS TCG Preview Page

**Note: As of July 24th, 2023, the above site is now gone. The link no longer works. Please see the Card Image Library below for the images as they were retained!

For Images of the Set 2 cards from Universus themselves, please visit:

Universus Card List

Note: The image previews were also posted in the official Discord but will be provided in the Google Drive below under YYH TCG Set 2 Card Images.

Want to download images of all the cards? There are some cards here that are NOT on Jasco Games' site. This includes the final promo, the Alt Arts, the Full Arts, and the Worlds Promos. Set 2, Dark Tournament, is being uploaded as previews are being posted so keep checking back!

Click me to be brought to Google Drive, where you can locate the folders and have all the images straight on your computer, by clicking Download All at the top of the page to the right!

Legend for Set 1:

C - Common (22 total)

UC - Uncommon (23 total)

R - Rare (20 total)

UR - Ultra Rare (15 total)

BT - Box Topper (1 total)

P - Promo (5 total)

Legend for Set 2:

C - Common (48 base total / 23 reprint total =  71 total)

UC - Uncommon (34 total)

UC-ALT - Uncommon Alt Art (1 total)

R - Rare (36 base total / 10 reprint total = 46 total)

CH - Character (16 total) *Note: The reprint Characters are marked with CH but are counted as C/UR as they are not guaranteed per pack like the normal CHs

XR-CH - Extra Rare Character (16 base total / 2 reprint total = 18 total)

UR - Ultra Rare (20 base total / 4 + 1 CH reprint total = 25 total) *Note: The reprint Character is marked with CH but is counted as UR as it is not guaranteed per pack like the normal CHs

UR-ALT - Ultra Rare Alt Art (5 total)

SR - Secret Rare (6 total)

XSR - Extra Secret Rare (6 total)

CR - Chrome Rare (4 total) (Stamped out of 100)

CR - Chrome Rare (Make A Wish Prize) (4 total) (Stamped Top 4)

P - Promo (3 total)

P-VICTORY - Victory Promo (1 total)

The Top 4 Stamped sets of Chrome Rares for the Make A Wish Tournament held on 3/10/24 (Top 16 cut, with qualifiers via Swiss format on 3/9/24 which had 141 players in total) were won by Jose Norono (1st), Mitchell Cimino (2nd), Omar Soubra (3rd), and Christopher Oettinger (4th). Jose and Omar have stated they plan to keep their copies (Update: They were both found to have cheated and did not receive their copies). Mitchell is selling his set to inviso (me!). Christopher was unable to be tracked down to determine if he would keep his set or not. As such, only 2 sets of the 4 were released.

As of Oct 14, 2022, another small CRD was quietly implemented with a few changes to the YYH set. These changes are now active in the other pages. The changes were to Kuwabara (once per turn and unbanning the card), Tiger Scream (Byakko only and unbanning the card), and Spirit Gun (Yusuke only and changed to Enhance).

Link to the 10/14/22 CRD Announcement

**Note: As of July 24th, 2023, the above site is now gone. The link no longer works. Thankfully, I preserved the summary here on this page.

As of Sept 21, 2022, a single change was made for the YYH set, banning Kuwabara. This has since been reversed with the Oct 14, 2022 CRD.

Link to the 9/21/22 CRD Announcement

**Note: As of July 24th, 2023, the above site is now gone. The link no longer works. Thankfully, I preserved the summary here on this page.

And finally, below is the Jan. 2021 CRD which includes quite a few Yu Yu Hakusho cards. Note that some of these changes have been reversed/changed since then.